Sophia Galvin, Biography, Age, Relationship, Family, Rainbow Redemption

Sophia Galvin Biography

The issue of gender is big in the United States. People conforming with the LGBTQ agenda are demanding approval in a country that has rejected their ways of life. In the last 20 years, the LGBTQ has begun taking ground in the country and most people are getting carried by the wave. Since the agenda is ripe in the USA a lot is unknown. However, the experiences of people who followed the community and are now against it have revealed hidden confusion, inconsistencies, irregularities, and illegalities. Sophia Galvin was born a woman but got carried by the wave of LGBTQ. She wanted to become a man.

Galvin did all she was advised by the community, took testosterone, did a double vasectomy, and dated women but all this left her empty and depressed, and suicidal. Looking for a way to escape her misery and confusion, Sophia met Jesus. She changed her life and became a new creation. Now she tells her story to help others going through the same.

Sophia Galvin Age, Relationship, and Family

Sophia is now 22 or 23 years old. She grew up in Miami in a family that was highly secular. Some members of the family identified as gay people. Galvin grew up without ever knowing about Christianity because her family never pressed Christian principles on her. Lack of knowledge matters of living in a moral way led her to make many mistakes as a teenager and young adult.

Now, Sophia is a single woman, trusting the Lord for marriage and having children. Before making this decision, she was involved in multiple relationships with both men and women. As a teenager, she struggled with same-sex attraction, which led her to date a woman.

The relationship ended in breaking up forcing Galvin to enter into another relationship with a man despite identifying as a man. Confusion and mental break up caused break up of the relationship shortly before she started her journey to salvation.

The Story

At age 6, Sophia started feeling attraction to the same sex. The feelings were even fierce when she joined an all-girls high school. She also disliked how women were sexually objectified by men’s predatory behavior.

All these factors, made her question her womanness. In search of answers, Sophia went to social media, Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook to seek what other people were saying.

Sophia learned that the trans agenda was a big topic on the internet, in school, and in society. It made her more curious when she learned that most people were accepting it. Gradually, she started desiring to become a man.

Her decision to become a man was made solid when she was dating a woman. She started taking testosterone because she felt she needed to be masculine to protect her mate.

Within two months, she started experiencing physical change. Her shoulders broadened, her voice deepened, and feminine curves became lost. In one year, Sophia was looking as she wanted. But it was not enough. She wanted to look more masculine.

She got tired of the lung pains caused by a chest binder. The best resort as she thought was removing her breasts. She sought a local “gender-affirming surgeon” to conduct the operation. She tells Allie Beth Stuckey in an interview that the surgery, which was supported by her parents, involved a lot of illegalities and poor treatment of patients.

Sophia got discharged from the hospital immediately after she works up from the operation. It took her 6 months to completely heal and one minute to realize she had made a big mistake.

The Beginning of the new Sophia

Since the double mastectomy, Sophia went through a spree of mental breakdown, depression, and thoughts of suicide. She thought she would be accepted by becoming masculine but it made her a victim. She got abused several times and even raped. Sophia went into drug abuse and isolation.

When she had exhausted all her options, a new one came when her boyfriend mentioned to her a group on Reddit that talked about detransiotioning. It gave a bit of hope. But the cost was high because she had gone to a crazy extent to become a man. Becoming a woman again appeared to be impossible. But it was her only option for the freedom she desperately needed.

She finally came to the conclusion that she wanted to become a woman, her true identity. Sophia started by joining a spiritual group called the New Age but it never gave her the rest she needed until she met a woman on Reddit who introduced her to Christ.

Initially, she thought Christians hated trans and LGBTQ people but all was a lie when the woman introduced her to the real agenda behind Christianity. It dawned on Sophia that she had been living a lie and Christianity was the only option available to her. Going through the journey with her led her to make the decision to follow Christ.

As of writing this article, Sophia is two years since she made a decision to be a Christian. The decision was not welcomed by some of her friends but their opinions never shook her. Sophia stood her ground and made several other Christian friends.

She also started a project called the Rainbow Redemption Project aimed at reaching out to de transitioners, reaching their lives, and teaching about the power of Jesus Christ. Sophia believes many others are suffering silently and need to be reached.

She has been interviewed on Relatable hosted by Allie Beth Stuckey and by Becket Cook, a staunch Christian who previously identified as gay but through the power of Jesus identified as straight. Her story has also been in Christian Post.

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