Happy Evans After, Steven, Ashely, Makhala, Age, Net Worth

Happy Evans After

Adoption can be a confusing issue if matters are not addressed to the core. It might look like human trafficking, especially when adopting parents are not open about it. Steven and Ashley Evans have made their adoption story public. On Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube, Happy Evans After, they have shared their infertility journey, adoption process, and choosing to use a gestation carrier for their second child.

Their adoption process has not gone smoothly with everyone. Some think Steven and Ashley will do a poor parenting job while other argue that adopting parents are unaware of black people’s problems. In this article, we are going to go into deep detail about the adoption process, the birth mother, and what Steven and Ashely earn.

Age and Family

Steven Evans was born on 7th October 1985 while Ashley was born on 25th March 1992. They made their union official in 2016 but difficulties in having children followed. Both Steven and Ashley have infertility issues. Steven has a low sperm count while Ashley cannot naturally ovulate. Their initial plan was to have 4 children and adopt 1 child. Due to infertility issues, they decided to go through the adoption process.

Choosing adoption was an emotionally difficult process because finding a mother open to abortion was hard. The first birth mom agreed to their terms but later refused to sign the papers.

Steve and Ashley met the second mother, Makhala, through an attorney. This time the adoption process was successful. Unlike another traditional adoption process, Makhla, Steven, and Ashley opted for open adoption. They included everyone on both sides of the family in the process. After the adoption was agreed upon, Steven and Ashley became legal parents to Abriel after he was born in 2019.

The relationship between the birth mother and the adoptive parents has been close since the adoption. Steven and Ashley have many times invited Makhala to their vlogs on YouTube. They have also spent a lot of time together.


Makhala lives 4 hours away from Steven’s home. She is a mixed race born from a Caucasian mom and African American father. She is a mother to fourth children Zaya, Zozo, Witten, and Abriel.

In 2023, Makhala is looking to be a gestation carrier for the Evans family. On a vlog, Steven and Evans opened up about their desire to have a biological child.

Due to their infertility, Makhala was open to carrying their child for them. In the video, they confirmed that Makhala would carry the pregnancy but both eggs would come from Steven and Ashley. They chose to go through gestation over adoption to avoid the emotional difficulties that come with adopting.

Choosing to raise a black child despite being white attracted alot of critics who argued that Ashley and Steven would not raise Abriel to become a strong black man.

Steven responded to the critics challenging them to adopt children and raise them according to their standards. He also defended himself claiming he is doing everything it takes to raise Abriel the best way.

Happy Evans After Net Worth

Both Steven and Ashely are hard-working people. Steven works in the real estate sector while Ashley is a nurse and fashionista. They also earn from their YouTube channel through promotions and advertisements. Together the couple has accumulated a net worth of approximately $20 million.

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