Wall Street Trapper (Leon Howard), Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Wife, Net Worth

Wall Street Trapper Biography

Wall Street Trapper’s real name is Leon Howard. He is a financial and professional investor, YouTube and Instagram celebrity, and an educator training people how to make wealth through investing in the stock market. Prior to becoming a millionaire, Leon served time in prison for 10 years. This changed him. He re-learned life and created a generational empire. His story has been featured on Black Enterprise, The Breakfast Club, and Earn Your Leisure by Troy and Bilal.

Wall Street Trapper Age and Background

Leon was born in 1984 in the streets of New Orleans. His childhood was never pleasing and light for a better future was almost impossible. At the age of 9, he saw his mother get shot and killed. He went to live with his grandmother who died when he was young. Leon was left hopeless and homeless. He resorted to gangs, robbery, and violence. At the age of 16, Leon was arrested and sent to prison for 10 years for attempted murder.

Although Trapper was incarcerated he believed in rediscovering himself and shaping his future. He got himself a woman whom he later married. However, they divorced after having a daughter. The two, however, agreed to co-parent to give their child the experience of two parents.

Wall Street Trapper Career

Serving time in prison was the least of the places Leon thought he would find success. In the Louisiana prison, he met a man,  who changed his life completely. The fellow inmate, convicted of financial fraud, introduced him to the world of finances and investment, something Leon had never known his entire life. He started studying the stock market while in prison. After prison, he sought to try what he had learned. He started as an ironworker and invested 70% of his salary in the stock market.

He became adept in investing the more he put money in the stock market. Within a few years, he was convinced that the stock market was one of the best ways of earning money and creating generational wealth. Now, Leon is a multi-millionaire and an internet sensation. He travels across the United States teaching people how to succeed in the stock market.

He created online coursework and ebooks that educates people on wealth creation through investing. As of 2022, Trapper has been able to attract over 700,000 people teaching them the secrets that made him successful. Howard believes knowledge is the power behind succeeding in any field. He has an online school called The Trapper University where he teaches courses like Step by Step to Stocks, How to Invest in the Marijuana Business and Learning what style of investment fits you.

He suffered as a teenager because he lacked knowledge and information. His life changed when he accessed information he never knew. Now, Wall Street Trapper wants to help African Americans to access financial knowledge, which is hardly taught in schools. The Trapper believes that the majority of black Americans are products of poor upbringing, lack of financial literacy, and intentional sabotage from other races.

However, he does not complain about what happened in the past. His idea is to bring a solution and free black people from mental slavery. His way to achieve it is by making financial education accessible and simple. He has a YouTube Channel where he has videos on How the Federal government prints money, how to break down income, and breaking down big companies like Google, Microsoft, and Tesla. His knowledge about finances has seen him getting invited to big media stations like the Breakfast Club, Earn Your Leisure, and big events like Invest Fest.

Wall Street Trapper Success and Net Worth

Howard has managed to create an online presence that makes him a major influence. He uses this platform to advertise his companies as well as educate millions following him. On Instagram, he has 1.2 million followers and 320k subscribers on YouTube. Leon has also been able to provide his daughter with a life he never had. He plans to make her a millionaire by the age of 15. Leon Howard’s Net worth could be not less than $5 million. Other people like Farokh Sarmad have also invested big in Finances and Cryptocurrency.

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Black American

Occupation: Stock Expert

net-worth: approx $10 million

Marital Status: Divorced

Children: 1

Height: 6  feet and