LaTroy Tillery, Nicole Tillery, Biography, Age, Wife, Net Worth

LaTroy Tillery Personal Life

LaTroy Tillery and his wife Nicole Tillery are a power black-couple on Instagram. Their Instagram and Tik Tok gallery is a display of a family anyone would desire. Latroy and his wife are blessed with three children, Twins Moriah and Josiah, and a recently born daughter Ehva.

The couple has made Instagram a miniblog and a home for reels and short videos that show their family life and 234k people are getting inspired by their content. Living this kind of life stemmed from a desire deeply rooted in Latroy and Nicole. They two are a definition of modern parenthood.

LaTroy Tillery Age and Wife

Latroy was born on 30th January 1983 and Nicole appears to be in her late 30s. They two met in 2005 and later separated to learn more about their individual selves. They got back together in 2010 and later married in 2013. Their marriage has been successful and inspiring to their social media fans.

Growing up, LaTroy never knew about living in a complete family. Tillery was raised in a single family. Like most black children raised in the hood, Tillery saw his father a few times because he was always getting locked up. LaTroy’s childhood experience birthed a desire in him to live in a complete family and be present to his children, wife, and the responsibilities of the house. Now beginning his 40s, LaTroy is living his dreams.

LaTroy Tillery Influence  and Net Worth

As of now, LaTroy and Nicole live off their content creation business on Instagram and Tik Tok. The business in the last two years has been lucrative to them because they’ve had partnerships and collaborations with big brands and companies like Unilever and Target. From all their dealings we can say that the couple takes home at least $250,000 salary a year or more. Their net worth could be approximately $5 million.

Where they are at right now is a dream to many people but only a few know the journey it took them to their current state. LaTroy and Nicole worked in the corporate world. From 2012, LaTroy desired to leave his 9 to 5 work but meeting the needs of the family was difficult.

It took many years of trial and error. In 2018 things began taking shape when they started putting content regularly on Instagram. Seeing other people coming up using social, the couple also got encouraged to go further.

Gradually, thousands of fans started flocking to their social and soon they were regarded as social media influencers. The introduction of reels and videos further increased the rate of engagement than they had started with. Now they are figures aspiring to inspire families in America.

Unlike many fathers who leave the housework to their wives, LaTroy poses as a different dad. He balances responsibilities with his wife and together they try to create a home for their children.

He cleans, cooks and does house work for his family. This has not been received well with most men online but it has not shaken him from his conviction. LaTroy believes he is on a mission to change the old traditional narrative about men.

Their story has also been featured on outlets like Dear Father and LaTroy is not alone in the journey of using social media as leverage to campaign for families. He is joined by people like Akeisha Land, the power couple Mariya and Peter Gerber, and the Furrha Family.



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